Personal development groups are a good way of learning informally whilst also receiving support from your peers.
A regular 1- 2 hours set aside for personal development can be easier than finding blocks of time to fulfil statutory requirements.
Maybe you’ve often wanted to join a group but have never had the time to organise one.
A good opportunity to make new friends and build support networks.
You don’t have to be an art therapist or a music therapist to draw on client’s creativity to promote self-expression and healing (and these workshops will not qualify you as such).
Learn how to bring creative materials into your own model of helping/counselling others.
Demonstration of and practice using creative media with client material.
Learn how to accumulate some easy practical resources for building a ‘creativity tool box’.
The seeds of much of our creativity come from the unconscious, our feelings and our intuition. The unconscious is our deep well. Many of us have put a lid over that well. Feelings can be constructively channelled into creative ventures………we can transform them into powerful art rather than venting them on the world. Such art helps us accept that aspect of ourselves.’ (Natalie Rogers – The Creative Connection – © PCCS books 2000)